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English-speaking Berlin Doula & massage support for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum periods

Your Massage Therapist, Birth and Postpartum Doula in Berlin

Every birthing person’s story is unique and my specialty is working with clients during the entire perinatal period, using my unique skill set as a certified massage therapist and doula.

I provide mindful, evidence-based and nurturing support and care for individuals and couples before and during pregnancy, birth and in the transition into parenthood.


Supporting Your Growing Family


Birth Doula Support

Pregnancy and early parenthood are life changing, transformational periods that you will carry throughout your life and my goal is to protect that memory. I will support your choices, reassure, empower, celebrate and hold your hand through this process, without bias or agenda.

Postpartum Doula Support

During the postpartum period your mind and body are engaged in deep and important work that transverses the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. This is your time to prioritise rest and healing. When you hire me as your postpartum doula, you’ll receive my non-judgemental support as I guide you towards a positive and memorable postpartum experience. I also offer a closing ceremony and bengkung belly wrapping.


Massage Therapy

Whether it is a pampering prenatal or a well deserved mama massage, every session is personalised to your needs and is guaranteed to leave you feeling recharged, nurtured and ready to meet the challenges and joys of parenthood.

Trusted by Loving Families

“Having Elmi as our doula was a transformative, life-changing experience. She’s a treasure trove of knowledge, a calming, grounded presence and a skilled massage therapist. She smoothed the path for us while also giving us the tools we needed to navigate birth and the post-partum period. And she did it all with so much heart.
— Mara & Hilary
Elmi provided outstanding post-partum support to myself and family in the first month and half after our second baby’s arrival. Having had experience with post-partum doulas with our first child, I can confidently say that Elmi marks a gold standard for the profession. She is a brilliant combination of practical support and tender care for everyone in the family - dads included. Our deep gratitude goes to Elmi for making the expansion of our family a more calm and happy experience. ”
— Dolly
As a first time mom far from home, I was extremely apprehensive about the birth process and post partum period. The first call with Elmi put my mind at rest. From the beginning, I felt extremely supported as Elmi is kind, warm, and provided the framework we very much needed to set up our home life for the new arrival. Her practical knowledge on both new mothers and babies guided us through the earliest days and made the Wochenbett and weeks that followed a time of supported healing and ease (all things considered). Her gentle encouragement propped me up in this emotional time and she always had the grace to give us the space we needed to grow into our new family. We were so fortunate are to have Elmi join us from the earliest days and cannot recommend her enough.
— Janthina F.
When looking back at my journey through pregnancy and parenthood in a pandemic, Elmi is what kept me positive and relaxed. I had a beautiful, natural birth, thanks to the tools she gave me to prepare physically and mentally for it.
— Natasha E.
Finally, at the end of our journey together, 6 weeks after the birth of my daughter, I did a closing ceremony with Elmi. I cannot recommend this enough. It was a special and unique experience, where I was made to feel like a Goddess, and had the opportunity to take stock of all that I had been through, and achieved, as a new mother. In our fast paced society, many rituals have now fallen away and we often feel too busy to take time for ourselves. Having a closing ceremony, to celebrate my transition from woman to mother, and honor the enormity of what I had just been through felt wonderfully luxurious, but also wholly necessary.

I am so grateful to have found Elmi, and warmly recommend her to every mother-to-be in Berlin.”
— Kiri M.

In the comfort and safety of your own home

Schedule an appointment with Bliss Mama today